Since the dawn of standard web feed protocols such as RSS, ATOM, etc., the number of sites offering email subscriptions has gone down. Email is viewed by the new generation as hopelessly archaic. Tix-Comix has had a feed and a subscribe button from the get-go, but I suddenly realized that vast numbers of of people still don’t grok feeds. And there are people who, for a number of highly valid reasons, don’t belong to Facebook, or rarely check it if they do.
The FUIG* attitude would be, “you people are too lame to get my awesome comic anyway.” That’s not my attitude. Heck even my best friend doesn’t grok feeds. I don’t want to exclude non-feeder/non-facebookers from all the excellent benefits a subscription to Tix Comix brings into your life. If you are one of those people, you can have Tix-Comix delivered to your email right from the home page. Email might be old and grey, but EVERYONE has email and by now everyone understands it.
So go ahead, subscribe your way: either through the feed, through facebook, or through good ol’ email. You’ll probably want to enable images if you subscribe to the email or there won’t be much point. And if you enjoy your Tix fix now, just wait. We have some extremely awesome surprise benefits for subscribers planned for the not-too-distant future.
I made this comic to illustrate and call attention to the installation of the email subscription button on the home page. I had fun drawing the bracelet. I really have that bracelet. I scored it at Vic market in Melbourne.
*FUIG=Fat Ugly Internet Guy
When all else fails try email,
A near and dear subject to my heart (if this didn't start off by reading like a spam comment, well, I don't know what does). Of all the lovely features of the Internet and web we've come to embrace, feeds seem like the most difficult thing to explain to people not in the know. Even more than that, it seems entirely too complicated to try and get someone to use feeds or a feed reader for the first time.
Anyhow, I love the expression in the first two panels. Keep up the good work!
Akismet red flagged this comment, but I over rode because it was YOU. I just discovered Caffeinated Toothpaste last night and I love it! Thanks for dropping by. Drawing these things is getting a little easier but I don't think I'll ever be able to crank out a daily like you do. That is BAD ASS my friend.
Thanks! Glad you've been enjoying the strip. I've been slowly making my way through your archives. The daily thing might seem bad ass, but in all honesty, it's sort of an "all or nothing" approach. Even if I tried to do three updates a week, I'd never figure out which "stories" to do and by the end of the week there wouldn't be a single update.
Looking forward to following your updates.
This strip was perfect for me. I don' do feeds, I just use the list on my site to check comics out. I just fear it's too complicated to set up, but you just showed me it's not. Maybe I'll give 'er a try. 🙂
Not everybody has a handy dandy blogroll list like the one on your site (thanks for putting me on it BTW!!). Poor unfortunates who aren't webcomic creators wouldn't, for example. A feed lets you know which of your favorites have updated and you can read them in a batch when you are in the mood. The email method kind of shoves them right in your face. And there's yet a fourth way to track comics–you can use one of the listing services. I may do a comic about that sometime in the future.
Oh, and if you have any tech questions about feeds, remember I am a geek and I know about that shit.
George…you of all people need to get with the feed program. I did it your way for way too long. Google feed is easy to use and understand.
Facebook doesn't thrill me: at first it had a very frat party boy outlook on life sort of "baked in," but as it's gone global and Zuckerberg has Machiavellian goals that rival Bill Gates, and as the early adopter generation approaches their 30's, the juvenile crap is slowly being pummeled out of it. I'm on facebook pretty much because that's where the people are.
Tony you're obviously an RSS kind of guy (a feeder, in Tix parlance). I agree RSS is the optimal way to track comics, but not everybody does it that way.
I had a friend who said I needed to get an email subscription b/c she doesn't do feeds or get on facebook enough. I said, I have enough friends who ignore me on those things so why should I give you all another opportunity to ignore me.
And see..your friends will at least like stuff on FB, I can only get my online friends to respond to my stuff there.
Au contraire. Here's yet another opportunity to ignore me. 😀 I figure people who don't grok feeds probably don't know how to filter their email into a "read later" folder either.
Ha ha! WHEN will that wacky John Denver learn to use a computer? Oh *kneeslap*.
So I read your terrible attempt at webcomics reviews and now I read this terrible attempt at a webcomic. Does a sense of futility get you off or something?
hahaha… Look, it makes such cute little noises when it's mad.
I have yet to sign up for one RSS feed. And I follow something like 30 comics. Sometimes I don't catch them on the update days, but I usually get to them about once a week. I feel an obligation of solidarity to at least type in the address by hand to get to the comics that give me so much joy.
Ok, sometimes I just hit the link from Facebook- but hey it's Facebook…that means we are all friends, right?