When you’re a little kid and you take your lunch to school, remember how you had to have the “right” food at lunchtime? No matter what you actually liked to eat. The other kids would make fun of you if your lunch wasn’t cool. You’d think adults would outgrow this, but no, all they do is update the details a bit. Food choices still gets used as a way to discriminate.
You can go through this long list of “uncool” foods that you don’t like, or won’t eat for whatever reason. It’s totally OK even for adults to make fun of uncool food, and by extension, anyone who eats it. I think tofu has got to be at the top of that joke food list.
But not just any food can be on it. God help you if you don’t eat certain All-American foods. WTF is wrong with you? That’s why vegetarians get hassled all the time and people who don’t like black olives don’t.
Tix was just trying to be social and chime in on a vapid, seemingly innocuous stream of lunchtime chat about food preferences, but she happens to be allergic to pork. ZOMG! Instantly politicized and labelled as a member of a class that’s obviously unpopular with Tim.
Once you pigeonhole someone as one of “them,” you dehumanize them. Liberal hippies deserve to be treated badly, right? Needless to say, that was the last time Tix ever volunteered any personal information, no matter how seemingly innocuous, to those guys.
Oh BTW, the setting for this comic is not the Bremerton Ferry on a rough day, or anything like that. It’s just that eating lunch under those circumstances feels like it.
As long as I had my King Dongs, I was a happy kid.
King Dongs? IIRC, those little suckers were called Ding Dongs, or King Don in Canada. I googled and found some reference to something in Ohio called King Dongs. Maybe it was local. That would geoplace you wouldn't it, Bearman. Need I mention that all the other links to those keywords were either to PORN SITES or Chinese restaurants with a sense of humour!!
Ha ha ha! MORE!
You can eat anything you want, as long as you don't eat wombat.
I gotta admit, it was tempting, all that free wombat roadkill in rural Victoria. But I managed to resist because I knew that Wombalina Vombatu would transcend two dimensions and do something really bad to me if I noshed on any of her relatives. She *IS* coming to Tix-Comix, I promise! but I gotta finish up Farty Poop first, and there is still a lot of yet uncomicked hilarious bad mojo from that gig!
Oh, yeah, the comment about the liberal hippie says it all.
Yeah! What's wrong with her? It's okay to debate over rotten vegetables, but I don't wanna hear nobody bad-mouth meat. 😀
You can even get in trouble waxing eloquent about meat. Just try raving about the witcheties you ate in Northern Australia, and when people find out what that is they'll be like "What are you some kind of liberal hippie or something?"
Food-based discrimination, I never thought of it that way. Cheers!
Gosh Tix really took a blow on that one. Those fartypoop guy's are uncool> I hate Brussell sprouts, I like brie, what's wrong with brie? I have never tried Tofu but I know I'd hate it cos it looks yucky & I really love split pea soup. Fancy him hating split pea soup. He is really uncool.
I saw a Far Side comic once depicting a pride of lions devouring an apparent wilderbeest carcass then spitting it out. The caption was "The lionesses were repulsed when they realised that they accidentally killed one of the Serengeti's Tofubeests"
At my work McDonald's & Burger King (aka Hungry Jack's in Australia) seems to be an uncool food for adults. I wandered back to work one lunchtime with a Hungry Jack's meal in a HJ branded paper bag. The boss was standing out front having a CIGARETTE & said "You shouldn't eat that stuff, it's bad for you".
Hey this isn't my site so why'd I write a big long post??? Have a nice day. Oh I meant to say you are really good at drawing hands too. I struggle with them in any other pose than just hanging down.
You can rant all you like on my site Tony, and you can C&P it back and make your own blog post if you like. I don't think the duplicate content rule applies for comments. I remember that Farside you refer to, it was great!
Point is, point is liking tofu doesn't make you a hippy any more than liking Mickey D's and BK makes you an ignorant redneck. People like what they like, let them be.
I love hands, and I like feet even more. I saw a tip once on drawing hands the guy turns on his onboard camera on his mac and snaps a photo of his hand then draws from the photo. I've used that several times. It's getting the arm right that I struggle with. you can see your hand/arm assembly in frontal poses using the camera/mirror trick that you can't get by twisting and looking.
lol.. its funny, more..