I love XKCD and I love the way the …um… less than stellar artwork is just a proxy for what the strip is all about: mostly abstract ideas. I love the fact that it doesn’t have mass appeal but has nevertheless penetrated the demographic for which is intended. Since a lot of my friends are rabid XKCD geek fanboys, it still sort of surprises me when someone hasn’t even heard of it.

It’s not too hard to imitate the style of XKCD. But I don’t wanna be an XKCD wannabe, and anyway, it would be hard to express my style of humour with that style of drawing. So this toon is just a tribute to XKCD. Since virtually no one is visiting this blog yet, this post is just filler, really. Filler can be any old rubbish; it just provides a platform for the next layer to sit on. In blogging terms, when there is higher quality stuff later, it won’t be the first post. A blog with just one posting has zero credibility.

Since you are reading this, Thank you! Either you have discovered it early on (so please stick around) or you found it later and worked your way down to here.

Search Tags:XKCD, filler, tribute, style,
, demographics, penetration

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