Today we have a guest comic from my colleague and neighbor Jack Compere, who publishes Corvallis Vanities, a comic full of biting social commentary. Jack sent me a few of his doodles that, in his words, are “not fit for a family newspaper.” Given that Tix-Comix doesn’t seem to be fit for anything, I see no problem with publishing them. Please visit Jack’s site and say hi. Today Jack has a few thoughts about what flies on television.
Tits and Butter,
The decision is about money, which is about ratings and how well products sell, which is ultimately a vote by viewers.
We have the same problem here. People are more interested in soccer games, big brother tv shows and soap operas than in economics, social issues and so on.
You’re right. It seems that the more acess to information people have, the more they are surrounded by useless media culture.
Great comic.
They need to figure out how to make economics and social issues into a game show
Thanks Colleen – this ‘toon was the result of reading one too many times how Americans were all wrapped up in trivia and unable to pay attention to the serious issues, and so on. I think it’s a mistake to make that judgment based on what’s on teevee… ’cause decisions re what’s on teevee are made using slightly… lowered expectations…
Teevee is the opiate of the masses. I came to the end of my rope one day when we had cable and I spent more time looking for something worth watching than I spent watching and there were still way too many buttinski ads played at deafening volumes and way more than half the time I could find nothing anyway, and so I just said this signal to noise ratio is unacceptable and my husband had no choice but to agree so we ditched it. Sooo…. I had to google Big Brother cos all I could come up with was 1984 and I didn’t think that was quite it.
Love the drawing style Jack! Cheers!
Think I’ve just found Jack a new fan?
Butter and Titties are on?! (grabs for the remote) 😉
By the way, I really like the new wallpaper on your site. 🙂
It’s not new…???? I was just thinking of updating it!!
So what channel is it on???
Y’all got all different channels in Oz. And, just like here, most of ’em suck. So you got yourself some channel surfin’ to do.
A real show about real issues (real reality TV) would probably last one episode before being cancelled.
It would bite the dust before ever being aired. Unless it was on public TV. Which is apparently uncool.
I guess that’s why I like PBS.
And I thought I was being adventurous when I used my butter to make cookies!
The health conscious version would be “Smart Balance and Titties”… …sponsored by Doritos!
Do doritos have smart balance in them?
And it’s sad that I end up reinforcing these bad ideas by avidly watching these insipid shows.
It’s a new year my friend!
Well, to be fair, they did say slow-mo.