There needs to be a facepalm mood for this comic. WTF!!! I have been recycling as much as possible ever since moving to Oregon. And “possible” keeps including more and more crap and getting more convenient. First everything was separated, cans had to be smashed with labels removed, and it was kind of a pain. Now we have conmingled and they prefer that you just rinse the cans out. Getting the kids and the hubby to actually take advantage of the recycling opportunities has been another thing. But OMG when some cool person on Facebook shares it, all of a sudden Tix is the one who needs to be schooled! The comic doesn’t tell you about the lecture Tix got about all the plastics in the environment and the endangered cute baby turtles who were dying of it etc. –effectively the same schtick she had been dishing out since her kids were born. Well all I can say is thank God for COOL people preaching this message. At least someone listens to them. And just in case anyone IS paying attention to ME right now, the BEST thing you can do is just NOT BUY OVERPACKAGED CRAP in the first place!!!!!
P.S. BTW, to my daughter who asked: yes those are meant to be the same pants, a decade later. They still fit. They didn’t have any style to begin with so they can’t go out of style. And in case you are wondering, they are NOT mom jeans. I don’t do pants with elastic waists.
Who told her it was cool to pierce the hell out of her face?? haha
Bearman, you or I wouldn’t know cool if it bit us in the butt. And you can’t argue with cool. (Except it changes with the times.) I told my real daughter when she was sixteen that NO WAY was I signing the form to allow her to have a tattoo underage, that when she turned 18 I would no longer be able to block it. Luckily in those ensuing two years she had seen enough tattoos on other people that were no longer cool and look dated after only a few months. She never got any tats as far as I know, and the only piercings she still uses that I really don’t like are the snouty ring and the gauges, which she can, as she pointed out, remove or tuck out of sight. Gauged ears look kind of weird without jewelry, but luckily hers aren’t so huge.
I am a recyclaholic. I wonder if she could recycle all that face metal at a wrecking yard
The Becky character is a little bit over the top with the piercing. Personally I think the snouty thing makes people look like an ox or a water buffalo. My real daughter is actually very gorgeous. She never had a pierced eyebrow and she got rid of the tongue stud after a few weeks. She still wears the snouty & gauges, but not all the time. I’m sure she’ll get rid of it eventually.
I was sitting behind a bloke on the train once who had those really big inside your earlobe rings & if i lined your eyes up right I could see through both ears at once. All he needed was lenses in them & they’d double as binoculars
Yah those huge gauges are excessive and dangerous. Either you look like a labrador or you have holes through them and you get them caught on things and rip them and have to go to the doctor to get them fixed. And by that stage, if you remove the jewelry your earlobes end up looking exceedingly weird.
At least the piercings heal up when they get over that stage, but the gauges are more like a life-time commitment.
It only gets through to them when someone they respect says it.
And yes, if we stopped buying so much stuff we didn’t need, the planet would be much better off.
That is so accurate, Colleen. Kids never think stuff is cool until they feel like they thought of it first. I’ve been on both sides of the fence on that one.