There needs to be a facepalm mood for this comic. WTF!!! I have been recycling as much as possible ever since moving to Oregon. And “possible” keeps including more and more crap and getting more convenient. First everything was separated, cans had to be smashed with labels removed, and it was kind of a pain. Now we have conmingled and they prefer that you just rinse the cans out. Getting the kids and the hubby to actually take advantage of the recycling opportunities has been another thing. But OMG when some cool person on Facebook shares it, all of a sudden Tix is the one who needs to be schooled! The comic doesn’t tell you about the lecture Tix got about all the plastics in the environment and the endangered cute baby turtles who were dying of it etc. –effectively the same schtick she had been dishing out since her kids were born. Well all I can say is thank God for COOL people preaching this message. At least someone listens to them. And just in case anyone IS paying attention to ME right now, the BEST thing you can do is just NOT BUY OVERPACKAGED CRAP in the first place!!!!!

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