If you just dropped in here, the Farty Poop story arc begins with this comic. There are 3 episodes prior to this one.
Everybody at one time or another builds a working computer out of old crap (AKA e-waste). It’s kind of a proof-of-geekness thing. But you’re pretty much done when you succeed in getting the Linux command line prompt. Some people actually continue using their recycled workstation for limited functions, but nobody uses one made out of junk this old for their primary work box. It’s just not cost-effective, not to mention unreliable. It seems Tix’s geek mojo is being tested post-hire by being asked to build a workstation from this electronic junk. Common sense tells her this task is not cost effective. Is it her common sense or her raw geekery being tested? Do you think Tix will be able to pass the test?
Recycled Workstation,
1st time I've seen a computer so crappy the flies hang around it. My bad feelings about this company are becoming more confirmed now…
You can never know for sure, but I'd imagine that the flies are there for the spilled soda and the mouse turds. Good thing it's a fictitious company, eh? You'll never be faced with the choice of buying a widget with the Farty Poop brand on it.
At least the happy faced computer looks to still be happy. Sort of.
Abe is great. Seems as with that fancy set up anyone would look creative. Implies some sort of superiority, etc…
Uh-oh, the previous good impression seems to be misleading.
Those are the nastiest trashed computers I've seen in quite awhile. I don't think you could give those away much less salvage 'em. Good luck! 🙂
Hmm. I guess I'm a nobody Uber-geek. My main computer is a 1996 Compaq server. The cover is off because I've had to open it up to fix one thing or another fairly often.
It is running Windows NT. I just haven't had the time to update it to Linux. My secondary is about 2005 vintage Dell. I did update this box to Linux and it works great.
Hey Aldon, long time no see. Thanks for dropping by! I must confess up til 2009 my main rig was a self-built from then current 2001 components with the version of Linux du jour, and it still works but it lacks wireless and it's age is showing. I also built a box back then from even older junk and I ran routed on it for about a month before it gave up the ghost.
The point is, employees (even badly paid ones) are expensive, and Tim would actually save money by providing Tix an adequate workstation. He's not stupid so why doesn't he GET this!!!
If Tix tries to build a box from this old junk, it will take her at least two days to isolate a set of components that both work and "play well together", then locate and purchase expensive old memory and anything else that can't be found in the junk pile, install the software, bla bla. The rig will maybe run for a month or two, then something will break and she'll either have to spend more time patching it up or get a new one anyway.