I didn’t have time to fully process just exactly what are all the implications of being raptured. It happened so unexpectedly. I mean, like am I still married? Coz, legally it’s “till death do us part” and I don’t think that I am dead. And the robot replacement thing–that was a shocker. Well of course it’s going be functionally equivalent to me in EVERY WAY, which brings up some interesting technical issues, e.g. just how does sex with a metal robot work anyway? And my poor husband, of course he can’t be blamed–he’s trapped in some kind of brain trap matrix where the obvious differences are not apparent to him. This is the trailer for the Star Trek episode titled “The Cage” that God referenced. It doesn’t show any of the guys with the big brains, so here is what they looked like, in case you missed it.
Woah! Special effects have sure come a long way since the 60’s!
So I guess the bots all have the extra firmware then?
In this case we're talking about a female bot. So I think it would be a software issue.
Bwahahahahahaha. I'd like to know about the firmware too. Just saying.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
I never thought about those implications. Thank goodness I wasn't taken
Or was I & robot-Tony is typing this???
Tony THAT is the $64,000 question! Do the robots know they are replacement robots and are they even aware that they are robots!!
That must be quite a shock, surely if your are raptured you ascend, right?
I know I shouldn't be… but why am I excited when I hear "sex with robots"? Please tell me I'm okay… 😉
OK consider yourself told. You're OKAY, you sexy pudgy human.
Look at those big brains! Biiiiiiig braaaaaains…
We may have to take a look at the that robot action just to be sure. He could be innocent, but we just can't tell. 😀
A robot is never as good as the real thing.
Your story is almost leading up to 'Demon Seed' where, in this case a computer imprisons and impregnates a woman … do you remember?
….. No wonder we're all hooked on Sci-Fi the possibilities are almost endless!!!!! What fun you are having with the robot!
The German for the Ascension into Heaven is Himmel-fahrt, pronounced fart. I figure this is an insight into how this rapture thing actually works. First, those who want to get raptured eat massive amounts of beans and sauerkraut. Then they jump up and down for a while. And then the turbo kicks in …
Fahrt reminds me of Father Kurt Fahrt in one of Myles na cGopaleen's books I don't remember which. And it also reminds me of one of my ex-boyfriends, who was always threatening to run off and join the Benedictines. He used to joke that he planned on being called Brother Burrito and that's exactly how he would get into heaven. See that pew with a hole in it? That's where Brother Burrito was praying when he suddenly and noisily ascended into heaven.
Turbo farts will rocket you into heaven! Keep eating those bean burritos.
You only have to worry if robot you does things for your husband that you won't.
What? Me? Worry?
But hubby doesn't know, does he? So he's being deceived. too. It's not his fault!
Colleen, there are leaf-cutter bees in the US they are slightly different – quite pretty black with bright yellow spots similar in colour to wasps. They pollinate a lot more flowers than honey bees and are generally noted for their passive behaviour.
The flag by the way is the English flag known as the George Cross .. it used to be the flag of America a long time ago.
No new comic?
Yah there's a new one coming Goeber, just gotta ink it. My buffer is a little thin, make that nonexistent. I like to draw but I don't like to SIT!!!
I find these comments here very weird. But I liked it all. I haven't got a nick about this discussion, from marriage to aliens. Yes, marriage is alien to me because I am not married yet. LOL!
I wanted to get raptured so bad I sang "Rapture" at karaoke that night.
Is there any new comic character, can I be a comic character…LOL
All those what if when it comes to "rapture"… What if I make it and my husband didn't? Can I date Brad Pitt after the rapture?
Still no new comics. I think you really were raptured…
Or captured
The weather is starting to turn to autumn and I've found a brand new coffee shop to sketch in. Plus I do have a bit of a buffer. and acres of storyboard. So there will be new comics.
That is all insane? are you not aware you are a robot too? LOL anyway robots are just what people made, so why let them dominate you and create chaos in your life.Anyway rapture is for true sons of God, let us just say you are captured by a robot but not rapture.
Look at those big brains! Big big brains…
OMG, that guy looks crazy!!!!
Whoa! This is a pretty intense storyline so far, can't wait to see what's next =)