One of my earliest memories as a very young child is thinking: If the color is bright red, yellow, or blue, it is probably a “toy” and specifically engineered to be non-functional. It used to piss me off to no end. I got dolls that could “pee” if you squirted water in them, but the so-called “pee” was still water and it didn’t smell like pee, and my little brain screamed “FRAUD” you should get your money back. My favorite toys were chemistry sets and erector sets. I had to lobby the parents to get those for my brother, since I knew damn well they were considered inappropriate toys for me.

This is the first cartoon starring baby Sammy. Up until now he has appeared in the comic, but has mainly served as an attractive backpack ornament for Susan. We think he’s either going to be an engineer or a major league pitcher, or possibly a shot put champ. When he doesn’t like something he lets it fly and he gets some pretty good distance on it.

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