Ever wonder why some people seem happy and some never do? Maybe the happiest people are the ones who are thrilled by simple things. Tix has lofty happiness goals that she will probably never achieve, whereas Doris is delighted when she plops out a nice satisfying dookie. This comic is dedicated to anyone who ever experienced a constipated moment.
Happiness is,
Wishing for things (events, whatever), or being happy with what one has, a profound truth, cheers!
I am happy when I don't have stroke trying to take a big dook.
hahaha great comic, I'm generally a happy person most hours of the day… guess my secret is to look on the bright side of things, no how bad they get.
Nice cartoon, when its out its out!
pooping always make me happy anyway 🙂
Oh now I have that image in panel 2 burned into my retina. Thanks a lot Ha Ha 😛