Several readers have expressed an interest in seeing more of Marilyn. (Well, OK, two, but for me that’s a significant percentage.) Marilyn’s full back story isn’t scheduled for quite some time but I will tell you for now that she became an empty nester in a bitter break-up which resulted in her young child pretty much going to her ex. Meanwhile, Tix’s life is the polar opposite. Her house is like grand central with the noisy comings and goings of multiple kids and a seemingly infinite stream of their friends, so Tix is curious what being kid-free feels like. Marilyn, in her usual potty-mouth style, pretty much lays it down, and this comic is just a factual report.
My parents hardly ever used words beyond shit and damn. I still remember the day at about 13 when I first heard my dad say the word "fuck". He couldn't figure out why I couldnt stop laughing.
My dad said "hell" and "damn" and "son of a bitch." He was not allowed to say the "s"-word or the "f"-word. Mom would go ballistic on his heinie if he did and probably sleep in an impervious cement nightie for about a week. (Speculation there, we did not discuss such things!) OTOH, *my* kids learned all those words and a few more before kindergarten. I try to refrain from overusing them to set a good example of being literate and using precise words to express myself rather than vague expletives for everything.
My dad only used the "juicy" upper-level words when he was hanging out with his friends playing cards or shooting pool. We had a pool table in our family room , so I would listen through the heat vents to all of the colorful things they would say. I remember asking my mom what a M.F. was because there seemed to be a billion of them down there shooting pool with dad and his buddies. 😀
True, true….nothing says 'Freedom' more than being able to shout that word out at home without fear of retaliation. That's how I know when I'm the king of my castle. 😀
Hmm…all of this remind me of a hip hop song I heard couple of years ago, I forget the title but the chorus goes like this: "Fuck you!, fuck you fuck you it's a preposition!"
Which I think, it's quite true.
Now those lyrics are PROFOUND!
So working in an IT Shop is like being an Empty Nester then…
Umm.. well Marilyn doesn't do IT; she is strictly a hardware person. But I imagine her job gives rise to plenty of opportunities to use the F-word. And I wouldn't expect that all empty nesters' lives are as drama filled as Marilyn's is. Stay tuned and you'll see a whole Marilyn story line but I got six more in the queue before it, plus a few randome onesies.
testing comment what happens if you dont answer the question