My first short story arc spanning multiple posts featuring Tix and her brother Jorge when they were little. They have a hypothesis about a positive correlation between bad behavior and high Christmas present quality, contrary to what children are generally told.
Christmas Hypothesis,
That unfortunately carries over into the workplace where the A$$holes seem to be the ones that get ahead.
Glad you got it working Tony! Man I really need to spice up this site a little. A leaderboard header would be good. I've gone too long without one.
This could set a dangerous precedent and start a badness revolution.
I think it already has happened.
The bad kids are generally the ones who are spoiled rotten, and therefore, don't have any discipline at home and don't learn self discipline. Spoiling the kids leads to even worse behavior.
There's also a problem amongst some parents who can't bear to see their child suffer any disappointment. It's aggravating. Of course I don't like to see my child sad or crying, but they have to learn lessons. Life is hard.
The kids who got brand new sports cars for Christmas at my high school were the biggest ass holes. The ones who drove the old beaters they paid for with their own money were actually nicer and had better grades. Just sayin.
You're noticing the exact same thing that we noticed way back in the day. Of course as kids, our focus was to maximize
our haul. We really didn't care why, but maybe we should have paid a little better attention.
Stay tuned to this channel to see what went down next.
Just Like I thought….Everyone has been lying to me all along and now I am to old to be bad.
No one is too old to be bad…..
Hahaha! And I thought Hank was technical about his Christmas procedures. I think these kids have him beat. 🙂
LOL…so true-there's only one thing better….being an only child and naughty too! It worked great for me!!:-)