Guest post by my daughter Ellie, who recently celebrated her birthday. Ellie did this doodle in commemoration of the original event. Ellie wants it known that she is not the Tix-Comix character “Becky.” Of course not, as Tix-Comix is autobiographically inspired fiction. Ellie is the inspiration for “Becky” but Becky has taken a fictitious identity of her own. If Becky ever gets convicted of anything, Ellie will not do the time for it. Capiche?
This image is now burned into my consciousness. I will now see it every time I wish someone a Happy Birthday. I am still not sure if I should thank you or sue you. 🙂
I will be sure to pass your thanks on to Ellie. 😉 Suing me would be like trying to squeeze cottage cheese out of a bowling ball.
Wow-I just hope that the doc was quick with the catcher's mitt…..
Actually she hit the wall but the doc did catch her on the rebound before she hit the floor. That kind of explains how she got twisted enough to draw something like this. (Of course, it could also be hereditary.)
Ellie hasn't been through the giving end of the birth experience. She forgot the tether.