Things often do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. Church makes a lot of people hate religion; school gives people an aversion to learning. So this is really no surprise.
AA Meeting Results,Things often do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. Church makes a lot of people hate religion; school gives people an aversion to learning. So this is really no surprise.
AA Meeting Results,
OK, before everyone comes down on me for dissing AA, let me just state that AA has helped millions of people. But twelve-step programs are not for everybody, and Marilyn is one of those people for whom it backfires.
Eating regularly at McDonalds would put me off eating period. It would be a marketable weight loss plan, except you'd have to do like the supersize me guy did first before it would work.
I agree that AA and NA are excellent programs for people who need ritualistic guidance, but those meetings just keep reminding me that you can no longer have what you were previously dying for in life. They get depressing sometimes, so I understand Marilyn's viewpoint.
whoops i forgot to tell a joke
Good. Because if you did it would probably be lame.