Scooter Hughes of Life Under Construction offers coloring pages for people to color and send back to him. Just for grins I decided to do it analog (that’s geek for “traditional” media), so I printed it out and coloured it with markers. I have to say it looked awesome. Then I scanned it and it looked like something the cat drug in. Scanning is also an art form that I have yet to master. I tried to clean it up digitally after the fact and more or less failed. But I already suck, so I couldn’t make things too much worse.

Anyway, Scooter blogged my pathetic attempt on his site complete with a load of overblown artistic hype–the dude has potential either in politics or advertising!!–and he also posted a fun “Where’s Brandon” panel reminiscent of the “Where’s Waldo” books of yore. I thought I might have spotted Brandon wearing yellow somewhere in the middle of it, but my geekified eyes are just not up to the task of making a positive ID at that resolution.

So much for analog. I’m goin back to digital, especially now that I got a little Wacom Bamboo for Christmas. And I hereby promise to learn to make vector graphics with Inkscape, and will maybe blog some experiments so you can laugh and mock me more.

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