This article in Wired examines the widely held belief that sad people are more creative. But if it really is true, and the sad, yet creative people are aware of it, then they would be happy because they believe that they are more creative. But if they are happy they are not sad. I think you can see where this is going.
I submitted this comic to a guest comic contest on Wasted Talent, but …. *SIGH* the rejects ended up on an somewhat hidden Facebook album euphemistically entitled “Bonus Comics”. Anyway, although it wasn’t good enough for WT, it totally meets the standards we have over here at Tix-Comix. Maybe Jam (author of WT) just didn’t want to ruin my creative streak by giving me a good jolt of joy juice. So thanks, Jam for keeping me creative, I guess. I’m feeling very “creative” today; and as long as I’m not happy about it, the creativity persists. You might want to check out WT: it makes me chuckle most of the time.
You’re greatly oversimplifying a an issue supported by research and plenty of anecdotal evidence. Not everyone who is creative and not everyone that is ad… etc.
The degree of dysfunction does indeed have linkage, be it hard-wired, environmentally conditioned during key developmental years, and is, and demonstrated often, literally killed off during a course of modern psychotropics.
And it isn’t just hyper-creatives that are subject to this during therapy.
my “S” key is moody. Correct where needed, though the post is for you – so whether it shows or not is immaterial.